"The Fallen" CD od Ruthless

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The name RUTHLESS itself means 'without mercy'. Since the early 1980s, led by singer Sammy DeJohn, the band has stayed true to their unique style, from their legendary first EP 'Metal Without Mercy' (1984) and the cult debut album 'Discipline Of Steel' (1986) to their current albums 'They Rise' (2015) and 'Evil Within' (2019). They have always remained faithful to their roots, inspired by bands like JUDAS PRIEST, ACCEPT, and BLACK SABBATH. The new album 'The Fallen' will be released on January 12, 2024, on their new label Fireflash Records (HOLY MOSES, MEZZROW, among others). With songs like 'No Mercy', 'Betrayal', and 'Soldiers of Steel', the band creates a perfect bridge between their own past and the present. 'We are very excited to present the new album 'The Fallen'. You can expect it to be very powerful, with a return to the band's early days. This album will offer everything that makes Ruthless unique,' commented Sammy De John. Expect an album full of power and passion, combining the classic 80s metal sound, ready to become a future classic and a must-have for anyone into traditional Heavy Metal like METAL CHURCH, HELSTAR, EXCITER, LIEGE LORD, and others. RUTHLESS has looked both into the future and back to their beginnings, offering a strong album with many highlights, produced by Bart Gabriel (CIRITH UNGOL, RIOT CITY, HEXX, among others) and complemented by striking artwork by Mario Lopez (EVIL INVADERS, CRYSTAL VIPER, TOXIK) and photos by Alex Solca (TESTAMENT, DIO, DOKK

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 565256
Hudební žánr Heavy Metal
Média - formát 1-3 CD
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Ruthless
Typ výrobku CD
Datum vydání 1/12/24
Pohlaví Unisex

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