"2024" CD od Ravenstine

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With their new heavy rock album '2024', RAVENSTINE take it up a notch and present themselves musically even more mature and cohesive than on their self-titled debut. This time, John took over the main tasks as composer, but all band members contributed to the bigger picture. RAVENSTINE have remained true to their own style, with lyrics that deal with topics that occupy them in their daily lives, such as depression ('Black Is The Brightest Color'); about a lost home and the feeling that home no longer exists ('A Long Way Home'); the prospect of one's own downfall ('When I'm Dead And Gone') or the possible connection between social media and rampages ('Killing Spree'). The band has also composed a pure gem with their song 'Fly Eagle Fly', which has everything a hit needs: a good riff, a gripping groove, and a killer chorus! Fans of ballads will also be pleased: while 'Signs By The Roadside' thrives on its atmosphere, 'When I'm Dead And Gone' comes with a chorus that prompts the listener to hold up a lighter and move it from left to right.

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 565313
Hudební žánr Heavy Metal
Média - formát 1-3 CD
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Ravenstine
Typ výrobku CD
Datum vydání 1/12/24
Pohlaví Unisex

CD 1

  • 1.
    Black Is The Brightest Color
  • 2.
    Easy Come Easy Go
  • 3.
    Fly Eagle Fly
  • 4.
    Signs By The Roadside
  • 5.
    In The Light
  • 6.
    A Long Way Home
  • 7.
    Killing Spree
  • 8.
    When I'm Dead And Gone
  • 9.
    Freedom Day (Live Version) (Bonus Track)