"Eine gute Reise" CD od Speck

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Speck, the psychedelic rock trio from the Vienna area, with their new album. Speck plays an epochal-groovy sound, mega-fat basslines, along with a wild driving drum, a crazy guitar playing that constantly oscillates between experimental frenzy and rhythmically nuanced finesse. All of this combines to create a medley, a kaleidoscope of innovation and a touch of nostalgia. In their unique collaboration, Speck combines the repetitive, driving character of krautrock with the boundless psychedelic sound spectacle of space rock - and takes it even further: with lots of energy, dynamism, and unexpected twists.

What makes this work special is its incredible freshness. The band's sound is now more mature, sophisticated, and rich. You can hear the resonance of the drumskins, feel the motorics of the bass, anticipate the push of the wah pedal and the energy that builds up and is released. The many layers of the guitar unfold like a fan. While the bass still envelops the space in unobtrusive analog warmth, it is mainly the drums that make the quantum leap in sound evident. In addition to their usual punch, there is also a certain feeling of being very close to the band in the rehearsal room and listening to them with full attention.

With their glorious repetitions and a 3D sonic landscape, Speck creates a cosmic sound carpet on which it is wonderful to frolic. From the musical connoisseur who prefers jazz and psychedelic records from the seventies to the hardcore fan with a preference for fast drums and heavy riffs, here everyone gets their money's worth.

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 563424
Hudební žánr Hard Rock
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Speck
Typ výrobku CD
Datum vydání 10/27/23
Pohlaví Unisex