"II" CD od Dead Cross

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Guitarist Michael Crain (Retox), bassist Justin Pearson (The Locust, Retox), drummer Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Mr. Bungle, Fantômas), and singer Mike Patton (Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Fantômas) present, five years after the band's self-titled debut, its successor simply titled 'II'. The album not only features noisy hardcore, but also tackles politically inspired themes. Furthermore, it serves as a testament to their friendship, as the band demonstrated strong solidarity after Crain's unexpected cancer diagnosis.

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 539122
Hudební žánr Hardcore
Média - formát 1-3 CD
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Dead Cross
Typ výrobku CD
Datum vydání 10/28/22
Pohlaví Unisex

CD 1

  • 1.
    Love Without Love
  • 2.
    Animal Espionage
  • 3.
    Heart Reformer
  • 4.
    Strong and Wrong
  • 5.
    Ants and Dragons
  • 6.
    Nightclub Canary
  • 7.
    Christian Missile Crisis
  • 8.
    Reign of Error
  • 9.
    Imposter Syndrome