"Lass die Hunde warten" LP od Massendefekt

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Appears on black Vinyl

'Lass die Hunde warten' is the ninth studio album by Massendefekt and at the same time the appeal to exchange the depressed mood at this poorly planned farewell party, to which we are all invited, for hope and thick middle fingers, and to somehow have a good time despite all the shit in the world! Put on your jacket, go out, it continues! Stop the world, we'll do it again here, better this time! New beginning is NOW! Sure, everything is currently really shitty, but it won't get better if we are phlegmatic and already pack our mental suitcases for the apocalypse. Ladies & Gentlemen, we will not go to the dogs! Let the dogs wait.

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 565213
Hudební žánr Punk rock
Média - formát 1-3 LP
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Massendefekt
Typ výrobku LP
Datum vydání 1/26/24
Pohlaví Unisex

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