"The Crimson Temple" LP od Varathron

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Appears on colored, limited Vinyl (Picture)

With a sound characterized by epic atmospheres, progressive immersion, and old-fashioned stubbornness, 'The Crimson Temple' is the seventh album by Greek pioneers VARATHRON, who are considered pioneers of the Hellenic black metal genre. The band's legendary singer, Stefan Necroabyssious, who has been at the forefront of VARATHRON for 35 years and whose 'desire for unholy creations' has only grown bigger and better, believes that with 'The Crimson Temple', the band has shown their unwavering dedication and uncompromising passion for every little detail.

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 565612
Hudební žánr Black Metal
Média - formát 1-3 LP
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Varathron
Typ výrobku LP
Datum vydání 1/19/24
Pohlaví Unisex

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