"Untergang" CD od Urfaust

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Urfaust (named after Goethe's Urfaust) initially emerged as an ambient project by IX. He recorded the demo Urvaterlicher Sagen. Later, VRDRBR joined, who had previously worked as a guest musician for The Devil's Blood, and in 2004, their debut was released on the label GoatowaRex. In the following years, they released more albums, EPs, and split collaborations. Currently, the band is signed to Ván Records, owned by former Nagelfar member Sven Dinninghoff. Ritualistic slowness, wicked and expansive guitar solos, mystical keyboard notes, and, as always, extravagant and unique vocals define the Dutch duo's brand new 2023 album.

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Všeobecné informace

Zboží č. 561048
Hudební žánr Black Metal
Média - formát 1-3 CD
Téma produktů Kapely
Kapela Urfaust
Typ výrobku CD
Datum vydání 9/8/23
Pohlaví Unisex

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